Wednesday, February 23, 2011

These two pie charts show the types of gifts that man and women in the USA buy for each other on 14th February, Valentine’s day.

As we know that men and women are usually share different kinds of gifts on The Valentine’s day.
The most populat gift that men and women buy is card with 18% for men and 27% for women. Mens are more than women is buying flower and that is written with 16% for men, while 11% for women However,  more women, 27%, buy cards than men, 18%. Rather surprisingly, more women, around a fifth, buy candy for men than vice versa.  Both men and women are equal in purchase jewelry/jewellery with 10%. More than twice women buy perfume or cologne than Men. Men spend more than women on both lingerie and spa/personal care, which is probably what you’d expect.

In conclusion, In my opinion that the proposed rates is realistic

Top Ten Date-Producing Countries, 2001

Ten Countries are in 2001. They are Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libia, Oman, Pakistan, saudi Arabia, Sudan and The UAE. They have different levels of annual production in tonnes.
 First, I am going to talk about the biggest producer. which is Egypt. It recorded one million and one hundred thousand tonnes in 2001. The second highest number was Iran that made nine hundred thousand tonnes. Then comes the UAE with seven hundred thousand tonnes. Saudi Arabia is is less than The UAE with around ten thousand tonnes. Libya and Sudan each accounted for less than 200 000 tonnes in 2001. The difference between Egypt and Libya is one million tonnes .

In summary, date production was most abundout in Egypt and Iran and least plentiful in Libya and Sudan.

UK Budget: where the money goes

This pie chart shows money spent by the UK government in 1996. I am going to tell you about the UK budget and where money went. The UK budget spent 315 billion and this money goes to many and different departments Health and personal Social services is given 53  billion. While the law and order is given 17 billion. The Education is the third  highest spending and took 38 billion, while the lawest spending was the accorded  for Industry, Agriculture and Employment. Dept interest was 25 billion and other expenditure was about 23 billion. Housing, Heritage and environment cost around 15 billion. The highest value in money spending was by Social Security at 100 billion.
In this chart we may conclude that the highest cost was the Social security, While the lawest cost was the transport.