Thursday, March 3, 2011

Global Warming

In this essay I am going to discuss some causes and effects of global warming, which is making a huge problem in the earth.
The rise of air temperatures near Earth's surface over the past century is known as global warming. It is the result of increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which are trapping heat inside the atmosphere.
Global warming is caused by two elements which include man-made causes and natural causes. Natural causes come with a release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane is a greenhouse gas and a very dangerous gas to our environment .Also there are man-made causes  and these effects are the most damaging to our planet. One of the worst man-made factors is pollution.
The consequences of global warming   is the melting of large parts of Antarctica, which will lead to a rise in sea level and thus the sinking of large parts of the tropical islands and low lying coastal areas.  It will also Increase the rate of spread of diseases such as malaria and cholera because of the migration of insect vectors. Some reservoirs may dry up if temperature increases, especially if rainfall also decreases. Rising sea levels may pollute fresh groundwater supplies with salt water .Global warming is one of the dangers that threaten life on Earth's surface, which requires making legal and technical measures to preserve the environment.

Finally, people are searching for different, or alternative, sources of energy to power their vehicles, so reducing energy use is seen as a key solution to the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We need to cooperate in order to reduce global warming, by maintaining the rainforest and reducing consumption of fossil fuels. In addition we should use air filters in the chimneys of factories  and adapters. According to the International Energy Agency, improved energy efficiency in buildings, industrial processes and transportation could reduce the world's energy needs in 2050 by one third. In my opinion using alternative sources is the best solution to reduce global warming which threatens human life. There are a lot of ways we could solve this problem but it is not going to be easy.