Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reflection 3

In the second semester we focused on two types of writing which are the description of graphs and problem & solution. I am going to present what I have learned from both.
In relation to the description of graphs, we started by a chart with some information, and described the numbers as sentences. First, we did the single pies moving to double pies. After that we did bar charts, like the data-producing countries. Finally we did tables of information such as hurricanes & tornadoes. The point that we have learned is how to describe charts and tables information and translate them to a complete and clear paragraph.
On the other hand problem & solution was a little bit different. We did this type of writing by 4 paragraphs. the first one should be the introduction and the second; talking about the causes of the problem then the next one it’s about the possible solution and finally the conclusion. This type of essay is giving us the experience of how to analyze problems and give solutions by expressing and that Gives the student the freedom to speak and debate.