Tuesday, May 31, 2011

underground train systems

In this essay I am going to mention some cities which have the underground train systems.
London has underground train systems. It was opened in 1863. It is the longest with 394 kilometers. It carried a large number of people, 77 million in 2010. On the other hand also Paris has an underground train system. It was opened in 1900 with 199 kilometers of length. These trains carried 192 million people in 2010. Tokyo also opened underground train system in 1927 with 155 kilometers of length. It carried 192 million passengers in 2010. Kyoto as well has established an underground train system in 1981 with the shortest distance of 11 kilometers. In addition it carried 45 million passengers in 2010. The last city is Boston which was opened an underground train system in 2001. The distance is 28 kilometers.  It carried 50 million passengers in 2010.
London has the oldest and longest system at all. Tokyo carried the most passengers.

Argument essay about smoking

Smoking is a widespread phenomenon in the world, much of the main reasons for the many diseases to humans. There are many people who live around me smoke and down and claim that he relaxes the brain and nerve guides. Let me never the positive points

Some people believe that smoking is doing a lot of positive things such as peace of mind on a long and arduous, as well as smoking is usually convenient for the physical and psychological stress. With so much smoke in the designated areas as prisoners only to modify temperament. Tobacco is the source of livelihood of millions of poor people who manufactured and distributed.

Now let me talk about the negative points of smoking, first and not least, smoking is a major cause of many serious diseases like cancer of the lung and heart disease and other chronic diseases, and that was enough to be this tool very damaging to humans. And also people who smoke in public places and in front of their children which leads to corruption of the next generation and their addiction to things that are injurious. In addition, smoking is the loss of money and a waste of time.


Like many cities worldwide A.D. suffers from traffic congestion and parking problems. This essay examines the causes and the possible solutions to the problem.
There is no doubt that the increase in population is one of the main causes of congestion. As a result, the number of cars is increasing. Another cause of congestion is the progress of civilization and the large number of buildings. Car prices in the state are affordable for the whole community, so that makes people here in the country buy more than one car and this makes the traffic. In addition, the fuel price is low and cheaper compared with other countries. More drivers are young people and that means accidents and more hold-ups.
One of the solutions to crisis is expansion of the street this keep pace with population growth. Also we should determine the number of cars per household. New buildings should have adequate parking provided.
Finally, I think strategic plans must be done to reduce the congestion. My opinion the establishment of railways in all parts of the country to facilitate movement and reduce car use, would result in low congestion and fewer accidents.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Oversight is the subject of controversy and raises strong feelings in all parts of the world. What are the pros and cons?

 Oversight is an important column is based on the government to stop the greedy people in taking their personal illegally. There are many styles that it may have some people to steal the ideas of society and reflected negatively on them the direction of their country to take what they want to take it as is happening in the Arab countries in recent times. Here, the role of government to effectively curb this phenomenon is the work of adequate control on all media. In addition to the deployment of media awareness for the community to overcome the ideas and values Alsiipohna will overcome the issue in a quick and easy.

 On the other hand, there are some threats faced by governments are free to express their opinion and give researchers and critics of freedom of expression and thought here may distort the community and turns in the negative thoughts. Children must learn what is of positive thinking and action. To Isubho after Indjo-positive people and those who carry out the loyalty to the state as the natural and desired

 Is a measure of control, therefore, appears necessary to protect people in a large community and young people in particular. It is important, however, that this does not become very political and a threat to the freedoms that are priceless of thought and expression.

the death penalty

  Many countries in the world has the death penalty system, but others, such as Britain, have abolished it. What are the pros and cons of the death penalty?

  Injustice, is one of the main reasons that can be harsh on the negative point of people sentenced to death. Because not all of them may be criminals and are charged with murder or oppression or any other reason. On the other hand there are people who are criminals deserve death of what they did the crime and murder. Another argument in favor is that in these days, with DNA evidence, there is very little chance of wrongful conviction. Finally, there is at the expense of looking after the killers for a long time in prison, why should taxpayers hard work that bill?

If the assassin had been killed and forgave him the judge would kill again, here we can say should we all deliberate killer to death to be an example to others as a solution strictly for criminals.
There are some moral arguments against the death penalty, but in my opinion, as well as the pros above, and penalties in the end is a powerful deterrent to all potential aggressors.
Another argument in favor is that in these days, with DNA evidence, there is very little chance of wrongful conviction. Finally, there is at the expense of looking after the killers for a long time in prison, why should taxpayers hard work that bill?


There are many researchers say that using a mobile phone while driving causes many accidents.

 There are two sides to each case as usual, for the side is the importance of using a mobile phone on a daily basis in some situations such as the need for travel off the phone in which it is necessary to use the phone and ask for help. The mobile shortcut in many cases entitled to the conversation and where the distance moving closer to the phone. In addition to new phones with many of the techniques that limiting availability to the user much time, such as e-mail, chat clerical and imaging and data transfer via Bluetooth. In the interview, the driver is not permitted to use the phone or talk while driving because it could be an accident and the damage is not only the driver but also for the drivers in place. There are many countries apply the law to prevent the driver from using the telephone while driving. This law will set the drivers and save them the risk of serious accidents. There are benefits for the two cases, but must be taken either in my mind and realistic. In my opinion, must be put strict laws for those who talk while driving, at the same time may not be denied that the phone drivers to ensure their safety.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reflection 3

In the second semester we focused on two types of writing which are the description of graphs and problem & solution. I am going to present what I have learned from both.
In relation to the description of graphs, we started by a chart with some information, and described the numbers as sentences. First, we did the single pies moving to double pies. After that we did bar charts, like the data-producing countries. Finally we did tables of information such as hurricanes & tornadoes. The point that we have learned is how to describe charts and tables information and translate them to a complete and clear paragraph.
On the other hand problem & solution was a little bit different. We did this type of writing by 4 paragraphs. the first one should be the introduction and the second; talking about the causes of the problem then the next one it’s about the possible solution and finally the conclusion. This type of essay is giving us the experience of how to analyze problems and give solutions by expressing and that Gives the student the freedom to speak and debate.