Thursday, May 26, 2011

the death penalty

  Many countries in the world has the death penalty system, but others, such as Britain, have abolished it. What are the pros and cons of the death penalty?

  Injustice, is one of the main reasons that can be harsh on the negative point of people sentenced to death. Because not all of them may be criminals and are charged with murder or oppression or any other reason. On the other hand there are people who are criminals deserve death of what they did the crime and murder. Another argument in favor is that in these days, with DNA evidence, there is very little chance of wrongful conviction. Finally, there is at the expense of looking after the killers for a long time in prison, why should taxpayers hard work that bill?

If the assassin had been killed and forgave him the judge would kill again, here we can say should we all deliberate killer to death to be an example to others as a solution strictly for criminals.
There are some moral arguments against the death penalty, but in my opinion, as well as the pros above, and penalties in the end is a powerful deterrent to all potential aggressors.
Another argument in favor is that in these days, with DNA evidence, there is very little chance of wrongful conviction. Finally, there is at the expense of looking after the killers for a long time in prison, why should taxpayers hard work that bill?

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