Thursday, May 26, 2011


Oversight is the subject of controversy and raises strong feelings in all parts of the world. What are the pros and cons?

 Oversight is an important column is based on the government to stop the greedy people in taking their personal illegally. There are many styles that it may have some people to steal the ideas of society and reflected negatively on them the direction of their country to take what they want to take it as is happening in the Arab countries in recent times. Here, the role of government to effectively curb this phenomenon is the work of adequate control on all media. In addition to the deployment of media awareness for the community to overcome the ideas and values Alsiipohna will overcome the issue in a quick and easy.

 On the other hand, there are some threats faced by governments are free to express their opinion and give researchers and critics of freedom of expression and thought here may distort the community and turns in the negative thoughts. Children must learn what is of positive thinking and action. To Isubho after Indjo-positive people and those who carry out the loyalty to the state as the natural and desired

 Is a measure of control, therefore, appears necessary to protect people in a large community and young people in particular. It is important, however, that this does not become very political and a threat to the freedoms that are priceless of thought and expression.

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