Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Argument essay about smoking

Smoking is a widespread phenomenon in the world, much of the main reasons for the many diseases to humans. There are many people who live around me smoke and down and claim that he relaxes the brain and nerve guides. Let me never the positive points

Some people believe that smoking is doing a lot of positive things such as peace of mind on a long and arduous, as well as smoking is usually convenient for the physical and psychological stress. With so much smoke in the designated areas as prisoners only to modify temperament. Tobacco is the source of livelihood of millions of poor people who manufactured and distributed.

Now let me talk about the negative points of smoking, first and not least, smoking is a major cause of many serious diseases like cancer of the lung and heart disease and other chronic diseases, and that was enough to be this tool very damaging to humans. And also people who smoke in public places and in front of their children which leads to corruption of the next generation and their addiction to things that are injurious. In addition, smoking is the loss of money and a waste of time.

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